Eternal witness drift of phantasms combo
Eternal witness drift of phantasms combo

eternal witness drift of phantasms combo

Chasm Skulker, Hornet Queen, Imperious Perfect, and the heaviest of hitters in Mycoloth are where I decided to draw the line regarding "staples." Mycoloth is just inappropriately good in this deck since it is the definition of a snowball effect and undisturbed, will exponentially take over the game with a flood of tokens. With that in mind, I chose to keep cards that shine with Ezuri due to their ability to trigger multiple times. Part of the challenge in deck building for this project is finding the cards that this deck needs more than the other nine decks. Ezuri, Claw of Progress had always jumped out at me, so it was an easy choice for my entry into this much larger project: the Singleton Guild Wheel. I decided to start this project with a brainstorm list and eventually took off in a color pairing I had never done before in a theme I had never done either: Green/Blue Elves.

eternal witness drift of phantasms combo

Since I love brewing and finding ways to out-build my opponents, enforcing some unnecessary restrictions was the challenge I needed to get my true spike self into EDH again. This interesting restriction got me not only interested in deck building, but back into wanting to play EDH again. Instead of playing Nature’s Lore, I found Far Wanderings, which actually has played better than I could have imagined. What this restriction has done is to force me to look for some obscure cards that I probably wouldn’t have played before to get an extra copy of the spells I was looking for. We’re talking about going DEEP on the singleton aspect. I decided to take their idea one step farther and create a different deck for each Ravnica guild color combination. This presents an interesting challenge where you’re not allowed to just cram every good ramp spell into every deck playing green and instead have to find a balance among them and find which deck needs which effect the most.

eternal witness drift of phantasms combo

This means only one copy of Sol Ring/ Cultivate etc. This is a six-deck format that play "singleton" among their “wheel,” of decks. If you listen to the Masters of Modern podcast, which you should, you might have heard them talk about a format they play called Highlander Roulette. Knight of the Reliquary is my spirit animal, I'm told, and I can't disagree. Like any good spike, I enjoy brutally efficient decks.

eternal witness drift of phantasms combo

I also love any and all various Zoo decks in Modern. I mainly play Modern and Legacy playing Merfolk and Infect as my main decks in each format. Hey there, everyone! My name is Matt and if you’re not from the Springfield or Joplin, MO area you’ve probably never heard of me, since this is my first venture into MTG articles, but I’m definitely excited for the new adventure. Since the deckbuilding process is constant decks are bound to change in between articles being published. The methodology will be introduced here and expanded on each week featuring a deck part of the Wheel. Each deck is in the color combination of a different Ravnica guild.

Eternal witness drift of phantasms combo series#

This article is Part 1 of a 10 part series covering the Singleton Guild Wheel Project, a 10 deck project in which there is only a single copy of any non-basic land among the 10 decks. Introducing the EDH Guild Wheel and Ezuri, Claw of Progress

Eternal witness drift of phantasms combo